Volume 1, Issue 3 (1993)
Original Articles
Pharmacoscintigraphy: Techniques for Studying Drug Release And Absorption in Humans
Keith Kewi-Hang Chan
The Rapid Determination of Ethanol in Postmortem Brain Samples by Solvent Extraction and Gas Chromatography
Steven J. Moore, Ann C. Porter, Anna E. Ezell, Arthur S. Hume, and I. K. Ho
HPLC Analysis of Emodin in Serum, Herbs and Chinese Herbal Prescriptions
J-Wen Liang, Su-Lan Hsiu, Huei-Chen Huang, and Pei-Dawn Lee Chao
Production and Characterization of Cholera toxin-like Enterotoxin by a Non-Ol Vibrio cholerae Isolated from Food
Hin-Chung Wong and Jui-His Weng
Survey of *-Lactam Antibiotics and Heavy Metals in Infant Milk Powder and Human Milk
Hwia-Cheng Ding, Haw-Jang Liu, Yea-Lian Sheu, and Tsung-Chain Chang
Incidence of Salmonella in Egg Yolks of Chicken, Duck and Processed Eggs in Taiwan
You-Min Fu, Ting Su, and Ling-Mei Chou
Simultaneous Determination of Five Synthetic Antioxidants in Fats and Oils
Shyh-Shii Yang, Mei-Ju Lee, Shu-Chi Lee, Shu-Ju Su, and Shin-Shou Chou
Detection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxins in Rice Using Enzyme Immunoassay Kits
Shu-Shen Hung, Tsuey-Ping Huang, and His-Chin Ko
Application of HPLC Method for Quality Control of Cefadroxil
Su-i Chou and Shu-Cheng You