Volume 10, Issue 1 (2002)
Original Articles
Content and transdermal delivery of clobetasol 17-propionate from commercial creams and ointments
J.-C. Tsai
Inhibitory effect of carnosine and anserine on DNA oxidative damage induced by Fe 2+, Cu 2+ and H 2O 2 in lymphocytes
C.-L. Hsieh, Y.-C. Ho, H.-H. Lai, and G.-C. Yen
Sensory and physicochemical analyses on commercial taro ice products
T.-J. Lu, C.-W. Chuang, and Y.-H. Chang
Prevalence of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in feces and raw milk of domestic cattle and sheep
L.-C. Chiueh, F.-M. Liu, and D.Y.-C. Shih
Application of HPLC method using normal phase column in a comparative pharmacokinetic study of two sulpiride tablet formulations
M.-C. Huang, H.-O. Ho, G.-C. Yeh, W.-T. Ke, L.-C. Lin, T.-M.B. Hsu, and M.-T. Sheu
Study on the detection method of six varieties of genetically modified maize and processed foods
L.-C. Chiueh, Y.-L. Chen, and D.Y.-C. Shih
A comparative study on the dissolution profiles of commercial hydrochlorothiazide tablets
M.-S. Lee, C.-L. Huang, S.-H. Huang, Y.-P. Chen, C.-J. Chen, and K.-C. Wen
Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalent study of generic fluoxetine capsules preparation
R.-N. Pan, T.-H. Chen, C.S.-H. Huang, and C.-H. Hsiong
Fermentation products and carbon balance of spoilage Bacillus cereus
J.-C. Wang and H.-H. Wang
Drugs of abuse pattern in Taiwan
A.C. Lua, B.-F. Lin, Y.-T. Tseng, T.-H. Chen, T.-C. Chen, and C.-K. Chiang
Survey on toxicity and label of dried dressed fish fillet in 1998
S.-J. Lin, C.-J. Liao, S.-K. Chen, and D.-F. Hwang