Volume 10, Issue 2 (2002)
Original Articles
A removable derivatization HPLC for analysis of methanol in Chinese liquor medicine
C.-C. Kuo, Y.-H. Wen, C.-M. Huang, H.-L. Wu, and S.-S. Wu
High performance liquid chromatography analysis of tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride in ophthalmic solution by silica column eluted with aqueous solvent mixtures
M.-C. Huang, H.-O. Ho, K.-C. Wen, and M.-T. Sheu
Determination of sildenafil citrate adulterated in a dietary supplement capsule by LC/MS/MS
M.-C. Tseng and J.-H. Lin
Preparation and intestinal absorption of L-Dopa-D-phenylglycine
H.-P. Wang, Y.-B. Fan, H.-H. Lu, and W.-L. Hsu
Determination of α-hydroxyacids in cosmetics
W.-S. Huang, C.-C. Lin, M.-C. Huang, and K.-C. Wen
Relative flavone bioavailability of Scutellariae Radix between traditional decoction and commercial powder preparation in humans
M.-Y. Lai, Y.-C. Hou, S.-L Hsiu, C.-C. Chen, and P.-D.L. Chao
Inhibitory effects of aqueous garlic extract, garlic oil and four diallyl sulphides against four enteric pathogens
M.-C. Yin, H.-C. Chang, and S.-M. Tsao
Determination of butachlor and pencycuron residues in vegetables and rice: Application of the Macroporous Diatomaceous Earth Column
S.-H. Tseng, P.-C. Chang, and S.-S. Chou
Use of MDMA and marijuana among arrestees in Taiwan -A survey based on laboratory test of urine specimens
C. Liu, M.-K. Huang, W.-I. Tsay, R.H. Liu, and J.-H. Li