Volume 11, Issue 1 (2003)
Original Articles
Comparative pharmacokinetics of two atenolol products
F.-L.L. Wu, P.-F. Chen, Y.-I. Lee, and R.R.-L. Chen
The effect of glimepiride on glycemic control and fasting insulin levels
T.-T. See, S.-P. Lee, H.-F. Chen, and H.-Y. Lee
Antioxidant effect of methanol extracts from lotus plumule and blossom (Nelumbo nucifera Gertn.)
L. Wang, J.-H. Yen, H.-L. Liang, and M.-J. Wu
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of rice component in cereal products by the DNA-based technology
L.-Y. Yeh, H.-H. Chen, C.-C. Chen, C.-C. Chou, and W. Fu
Determination of formaldehyde in cosmetics by HPLC method and acetylacetone method
P.-W. Wu, C.-C. Chang, and S.-S. Chou
Chemical composition of the essential oils of Brassica juncea (L.) Coss. grown in different regions, Hebei, Shaanxi and Shandong, of China
J.C. Yu, Z.-T. Jiang, R. Li, and S.M. Chan
Bacterial foodborne outbreaks in central Taiwan, 1991-2000
J.-M. Chang and T.-H. Chen
Factors affecting territrem B production by aspergillus terreus CCRC 32111 in potato-dextrose medium
S.-Y. Fang and F.-C. Peng
Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium, and arsenic in 13 herbs of tocolysis formulation using atomic absorption spectrometry
C.-B. Fuh, H.-I. Lin, and H. Tsai
Investigation of Zn, Cu, Cd and Hg concentrations in the oyster of Chi-ku, Tai-shi and Tapeng Bay, Southwestern Taiwan
C.-Y. Chen and M.-H. Chen
Determination of low-molecule-weight aldehydes in packed drinking water by high performance liquid chromatography
C.-F. Tsai, H.-W. Shiau, S.-C. Lee, and S.-S. Chou
Determination of Xanthii constituents by high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis
S.-J. Sheu, F.-L. Hsu, H.-M. Tai, M.-J. Sheu, and M.-H. Huang