Volume 13, Issue 2 (2005)
Original Articles
Using 13C/12C isotopic ratio analysis to differentiate between rice spirits made from rice and cane molasses
Y.-H. Rau, G.-P. Lin, W.-S. Chang, S.-S. Wen, and W. Fu
Fluorescence versus radioactivity for assaying antifungal compound inhibited yeast 1,3-β-glucan synthase activity
Y.-T. Ko and W.-Y. Cheng
Using direct epifluorescent microscopic count for rapid enumeration of viable yeast and bacteria in injured conditions
C.-C. Huang, S.-M. Liau, W.-C. Tsai, and H.-H. Wang
Aflatoxin M1 levels of skim milk powders produced in Turkey
O. Deveci and E. Sezgin
Drug use and profile of individuals arrested on drug-related charges in Taiwan
C. Liu, J.-H. Li, W.-I. Tsay, and J. Hsu
Multiresidue determination of pesticide in fishery products by a tandem solid-phase extraction technique
F. Sun, S.-S. Wong, G.-C. Li, and S.-N. Chen
Polymorphisms of the gene encoding multidrug resistance protein 1 in Taiwanese
M.-J. Huang, Y.-L. Chen, C.-Y. Chang, Y.-Y. Huang, and C.-S. Huang
Development of multiplex and quantitative PCR assay to detect genetically modified roundup ready soybean in foods
W.-Y. Wang and T.J. Fang
A fast GC-MS screening procedure for ketamine and its metabolites in urine samples
H.-R. Lin and A.-C. Lua
Low-molecular-weight peptides as related to antioxidant properties of chicken essence
H.-C. Wu, B.S. Pan, C.-L. Chang, and C.-Y. Shiau
Simultaneous analysis of ten components in patch preparation of Wan-Yin-Gau by high performance liquid chromatography
H.-L. Lay, C.-C. Chen, S.-C. Huang, T.-M. Cham, and T.-S. Wu
High performance liquid chromatography to determine animal drug clenbuterol in pork, beef and hog liver
L.-Y. Chang, S.-S. Chou, and D.-F. Hwang
Analyzing aristolochic acids in Chinese herbal preparations using LC/MS/MS
C.-Y. Huang, M.-C. Tseng, and J.-H. Lin
Dietary flavonoids suppress adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes
P.-J. Chien, Y.-C. Chen, S.-C. Lu, and F. Sheu