Volume 13, Issue 4 (2005)
Original Articles
Investigation of the physicochemical properties of concentrated fruit vinegar
R.-C. Chang, H.-C. Lee, and S.-M. Ou
A novel liquid chromatography/mass/mass spectrometry system to determine procaterol levels in human plasma
T.-W. Yu, R.R.-L. Chen, and C.-S. Gau
Separation of bifenthrin enantiomers by chiral HPLC and determination of their toxicity to aquatic organism
T.-L. Liu, Y.-S. Wang, and J.-H. Yen
Effects of herbal preparations containing isoflavones on bone metabolism in postmenopausal women
J.-P. Huang, S.-Y. Wang, T.-S. Yang, H.-H. Chang, Y.-T. Hsu, C.-J. Chung, and Y.-C. Yang
Pesticide residue monitoring in marketed fresh vegetables and fruits in central Taiwan (1999-2004) and an introduction to the HACCP system
J.-M. Chang, T.-H. Chen, and T.-J. Fang
Determination of benazepril HCl and hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical preparations using UV-visible spectrophotometry and genetic multivariate calibration method
D. Özdemir and E. Dinc
Physicochemical properties of water-soluble polysaccharide enriched fractions of adlay and their hypolipidemic effect in hamsters
Y.-T. Yu, T.-J. Lu, M.-T. Chiang, and W. Chiang
Identification of four Thunnus tuna species using mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence and PCR-RFLP analysis
W.-F. Lin, C.-Y. Shiau, and D.-F. Hwang
Determination of phenylpropanolamine in pharmaceutical preparations by second derivative spectrophotometry
M.Y. Khuhawar, F.M.A. Rind, and A. Rajper
Determination of adenosine, cordycepin and ergosterol contents in cultivated Antrodia camphorata by HPLC method
C.-Y. Chang, M.-Y. Lue, and T.-M. Pan
Sensory evaluation and chemical analysis of Apis mellifera honey from the Arab Gulf region
W. Kaakeh and G.G. Gadelhak
Trace heavy metal levels in microwave digested honey samples from Middle Anatolia, Turkey
M. Tuzen and M. Soylak
Studies on the lactic-fermentation of sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) puree
Y.-Y. Tien, C.-C. Ng, C.-C. Chang, W.-S. Tseng, S. Kotwal, and Y.-T. Shyu
Determination of seven pueraria constituents by high performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis
C.-C. Lin, M.-H. Huang, and S.-J. Sheu
Differential electrolytic potentiometric titration of vitamin C in pharmaceutical preparations
S.M. Al-Ghannam and A.M. Al-Olyan