Volume 16, Issue 2 (2008)
Review Article
Natural products with skin - Whitening effects
J.-W. Lin, H.-M. Chiang, Y.-C. Lin, and K.-C. Wen
Original Articles
Production of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor derived from egg white protein hydrolysates using a membrane reactor
W.-D. Chiang, M.-J. Tsou, C.-H. Weng, and T.-C. Tsai
Liquid chromatographic and potentiometric methods for deteminations of clopidogrel
A.L. Saber, M.A. Elmosallamy, A.A. Amin, and H.M.A. Killa
Spectrophotometric methods for determination of ritodrine in bulk and in pharmaceutical dosage forms
M.A. El-Ghaffar, D. El-Sherbiny, D. El-Wasseef, and S. El-Ashry
Total phenolics content and antioxidant activity of extracts from dried water caltrop (Trapa Taiwanensis Nakai) hulls
J.-Y. Ciou, C.-C.R. Wang, J. Chen, and P.-Y. Chiang
Seasonal variations in yield, fatty acids, amino acids and proximate compositions of sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) Roe
S. Mol, T. Baygar, C. Varlik, and Ş.Y. Tosun
Effect of carbon and nitrogen sources on the production and carbohydrate composition of exopolysaccharide by submerged culture of pleurotus citrinopileatus
C.-Y. Wu, Z.-C. Liang, C.-P. Lu, and S.-H. Wu
Total and organic Hg in fish from the reservoir of a chlor-alkali plant in Tainan, Taiwan
S.-W. Huang, C.-Y. Chen, and M.-H. Chen
Novel spectrophotometric method for RAPID quantifying acetaminophen concentration in emergent situation
J.-F. Chiou, S.-L. Chen, S.-M. Chen, S.-S. Tsou, C.-Y. Wu, J.-S. Chu, and T.-Z. Liu
Spectrophotometric and atomic absorption spectrometric determination of cephalexin and cephradine in dosage forms
S.M. Al-Ghannam
Total aflatoxin, aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin a levels in Turkish wheat flour
A. Aydin, U. Gunsen, and S. Demirel
Ion exchange and ion exclusion chromatographic characterization of wines using conductivity detection
B. Prusisz, K. Mulica, and P. Pohl
Viability of acid-adapted and non-adapted Bacillus cereus during the lactic fermentation of skim milk and product storage at 5°C
H.-W. Shen, R.-C. Yu, and C.-C. Chou