Volume 16, Issue 5 (2008)
Original Articles
An improved pre-culture procedure for the detection of Salmonella in frozen chicken meat by duplex polymerase chain reaction
W.-T. Chen, S.-J. Tsai, D.Y.-C. Shih, Y.-J.C. Wang, and C.-Y.L. Chyr
Identification and determination of seven synthetic dyes in foodstuffs and soft drinks on monolithic C18 column by high performance liquid chromatography
N. Vachirapatama, J. Mahajaroensiri, and W. Visessanguan
Induction of permeability and apoptosis in colon cancer cell line with chitosan
Z. Hossain and K. Takahashi
A dose-dependent pharmacokinetic study of levodopa by intramuscular administration in rabbits
L.-H. Wang, K.-Y. Hsu, F.-L. Hsu, and S.-J. Lin
Classification of Fangchi Radix samples by multivariate analysis
C.-C. Chuang, C.-H. Su, W.-Y. Huang, and S.-J. Sheu
Direct solid-phase spectrophotometric determination of tartrazine in soft drinks using β-cyclodextrin polymer as support
R. Li, Z.-T. Jiang, and Y.-H. Liu
Establishment of a National Taiwan Standard and working reagent for human parvovirus B19 DNA nucleic acid amplification techniques (NAT)
Y.-C. Yang, C.-J. Chang, C.-I. Tseng, D.-Y. Wang, H.-F. Cheng, and C.-P. Lin
Content of total phenolics and anthocyanins and the antimutagenicity of Aspergillus awamori-fermented black soybean after heat treatment
Y.-J. Wang and C.-C. Chou
Simultaneous kinetic-potentiometric determination of levodopa and carbidopa using multivariate calibration methods
Karimi M. Ali, M.H. Mashhadizadeh, Ardakani M. Mazloum, and N. Sahraei
Variability in the frequency of single nucleotide polymorphisms of N-acetyl transferase 2 (NAT2) gene among the different ethnic groups in Taiwan
Wu F.-L. Lin, Y.-R. Chen, M. Lin, H.-D. Chern, and L.-J. Shen
Identification of Astragalus medicines using scar markers
T.-H. Liu, H.-M. Lin, and R.-Y. Wu
Development and validation of an HPLC method for the purity assay of BZM, the precursor of striatal dopaminergic D2/D3 receptor SPECT imaging agent [123I]IBZM (lodobenzamide)
K.-T. Liu, H.-H. Yang, Y.-C. Hsia, A.-S. Yang, C.-Y. Su, T.-S. Lin, and L.-H. Shen
Assessment of methamphetamine abuse patterns in southern Taiwan by immunoassay and quantification by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of urine samples
T.-F. Ko, R.Y.-Y. Chiou, S.-S. Shieh, and S.-C. Sheu
DNA protection and antitumor effect of water extract from residue of jelly fig (Ficus awkeotsang Makino) achenes
Y.-W. Lin, Y.T. Wang, H.-M. Chang, and J.S.-B. Wu