
Volume 17, Issue 5 (2009)

Original Articles


Analysis of 81 pesticides and metabolite residues in fruits and vegetables by diatomaceous earth column extraction and LC/MS/MS determination
S.-H. Tseng, C.-C. Liu, Y.-J. Lin, H.-C. Chen, S.-C. Su, H.-K. Chou, S.-S. Chou, and D.Y.-C. Shih


Determination of antioxidative properties of Morinda citrifolia using near supercritical fluid extraction
C.-H. Chen, T.-P. Lin, Y.-L. Chung, C.-K. Lee, D.-B. Yeh, and S.-Y. Chen


Comparative proteomics on resting and activated human basophilic leukemic KU812 upon stimulation with PMA plus A23187
T.-Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lu, J.-Y. Li, C.-J. Chen, W.-H. Hsu, H.-Y. Lin, D.-F. Hwang, and S.-T. Chen