Volume 20, Issue 1 (2012)
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis: Preface
G.-C. Yen and L.S. Hwang
Review Article
Original Articles
Internal transcribed spacer sequence based identification and phylogenic relationship of Herba Dendrobii
C.-T. Wu, S.K. Gupta, A.Z.-M. Wang, S.-F. Lo, C.-L. Kuo, Y.-J. Ko, C.-L. Chen, C.-C. Hsieh, and H.-S. Tsay
Detection of copper ions in liquid foods and beverages based on an enzymatic method
J.-I. Yang, D.-B. Yeh, J.-M. Kuo, B.S. Pan, G.-C. Lee, Y.-H. Liu, and Y.-J. Lai
Screening tyrosinase inhibitors from traditional chinese medicine by capillary electrophoresis with electrophoretically mediated microanalysis
W.-H. Zhang, Z.-H. Lv, T.-F. Jiang, Y.-H. Wang, and L.-P. Guo
Thermal analysis and dissolution characteristics of nifedipine solid dispersions
J.-Y. Wu, H.-O. Ho, Y.-C. Chen, C.-C. Chen, and M.-T. Sheu
Polymerase chain reaction for the detection of histamine-producing bacteria isolated from Taiwanese foods
H.-F. Kung, T.-M. Lee, C.-S. Lin, T.-Y. Hong, and Y.-H. Tsai
The prevalence of specific IgE to common foods and dust mite in the sera of allergic patients in Taiwan
E.-C. Liao and J.-J. Tsai
Free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of Dorema aitchisonii
S.M. Nabavi, S.F. Nabavi, and M.A. Ebrahimzadeh
Are brand-name drugs of better quality than generics? Research at a Medical Center in Taiwan
H.-L. Yang, L.-J. Shen, C.-F. Huang, C.-Y. Lin, W.-H. Chen, Y.-T. Hsieh, and F.-L.L. Wu
Hepatoprotective effect of lactic acid bacteria in the attenuation of oxidative stress from tert-butyl hydroperoxide
C.-C. Ou, Y.-H. Chiu, S.-L. Lin, Y.-J. Chang, H.-Y. Huang, and M.-Y. Lin
Detection of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus in oyster by multiplex-PCR with internal amplification control
H.-C. Wong, W.-Y. You, and S.-Y. Chen
Supplementation of red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var.) juice increases serum total antibody levels in mice
Y.-L. Liou and J.-Y. Lin
Analysis of malachite green, gentian violet and their leuco metabolites in catfish and carp by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
T.-F. Jiang, Z.-H. Lv, X.-Y. Cui, and Y.-H. Wang
Quality control of Colla corii asini using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics clustering techniques
W.-W. Dong, Z.-D. Zeng, D. Au, C.-O. Chan, D.-J. Yang, and X.-B. Li
Cold shock treatments affect the viability of Streptococcus thermophilus BCRC 14085 in various adverse conditions
S.-H. Fang, S.-H. Chiang, S.-Y. Hsu, and C.-C. Chou
Characterization of glycerophospholipids and a sphingolipid in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with different illnesses by LC-ESI-MS
J.-Y. Wu, M.-T. Sheu, J.-W. Lin, Y.-B. Liou, W.-T. Chiu, and H.-O. Ho
A rapid and specific PCR method for the detection of Shigella spp. in spiked samples
S.-J. Wang and J.H. Chen
Rheology of fiber-enriched steamed bread: Stress relaxation and texture profile analysis
M.-Y. Wu, Y.-H. Chang, S.-Y. Shiau, and C.-C. Chen
Establishment of a standardized animal model of chronic hepatotoxicity using acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in the evaluation of hepatoprotective effects of health food
P.-J. Chen, V.F. Pang, Y.-M. Jeng, T.-J. Chen, F.-C. Hu, W.-T. Chi, H.-Y. Chou, H.-C. Chiu, Y.-C. Lee, and L.-Y. Sheen
Electrically-assisted skin delivery of buspirone submicron emulsions
Y.-H. Tsai, J.-T. Chang, C.-T. Huang, J.-S. Chang, Y.-B. Huang, and P.-C. Wu
Separation and determination of bromophenols in Trachypenaeus curvirostris and Lepidotrigla microptera by capillary zone electrophoresis
M.-E. Yue, J. Xu, Q.-Q. Li, and W.-G. Hou
Simultaneous detection of food pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella Enterica, Bacillus cereus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus by multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction
C.-Y. Cheng, M.-J. Huang, H.-C. Chiu, S.-M. Liou, C.-C. Chou, and C.-C. Huang
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis: Preface
G.-C. Yen and L.S. Hwang
Conference Papers
Diet-induced obesity, inflammation, and cancer
J.H.Y. Park, Y.-H. Kang, M.-K. Sung, D.Y. Kwon, and Y. Yang
Study on breeding for crop fine varieties rich in food factors and their functions
J.-G. Zheng, J.-K. Lin, Z.-X. Cheng, M. Xu, Z.-W. Huang, Z.-J. Yang, T.-S. Chen, B.-D. Zheng, Y.-F. Zheng, K. Huang, S.-Q. Zheng, X.-Y. Chen, J.-Y. Wang, X.-F. Ye, D.-S. Yuan, K.-B. Zheng, S.-F. Liao, J.-C. Lin, L.-H. Chen, X.-F. Tang, and T. Zhang
Preparation and characterization of functional compounds encapsulated microemulsion with nonionic surfactants
F. Zhong, W. Xu, T. Fu, and Y. Li
Dietary resveratrol modulates metabolic functions in skeletal muscle cells
J. Kaminski, A. Lançon, E. Tili, V. Aires, J. Demarquoy, G. Lizard, J.-J. Michaille, and N. Latruffe
Clinical effect and mechanism of alkaline reduced water
R.M.C. Ignacio, K.-B. Joo, and K.-J. Lee
The selectivity and impact of polyphenols-protein kinases interactions for chemoprevention
D.-X. Hou, T. Kumamoto, H. Ishida, and A. Hisanaga
Nuts for diabetes prevention and management
A. Kamil and C.-Y.O. Chen
Cancer preventive activities of tea polyphenols
C.S. Yang, H. Jin, F. Guan, Y.-K. Chen, and H. Wang
Challenges in food nanoscale science and technology
B.C. Bryksa and R.Y. Yada
Comparison of anti-hyperglycemic activities between low- and high-degree of polymerization procyanidin fractions from cacao liquor extract
Y. Yamashita, M. Okabe, M. Natsume, and H. Ashida
High concentrated probiotics improve inflammatory bowel diseases better than commercial concentration of probiotics
E.-H. Kim, H. Hong, K.-S. Hong, K.-S. Choi, Y.-M. Han, N. Kangwan, Y.C. Cho, and K.B. Hahm
Polymethoxyflavones as food factors for the management of inflammatory diseases
C.-T. Ho, M.-H. Pan, C.-S. Lai, and S. Li
NF-κB inhibitors from terrestrial plants reported in 2011
M. Schumacher, M. Dicato, and M. Diederich
New development of vitamin K research: Identification of human menaquinone-4 biosynthetic enzyme
K. Nakagawa
Cancer prevention by different forms of tocopherols
C.S. Yang, G. Li, and Z. Yang
Anticancer property of allyl sulfides derived from garlic (Allium sativum L.)
T. Seki, T. Hosono, S. Suda, K. Kimura, and T. Ariga
Anti-allergic action of O-methylated EGCG in green tea cultivar Benifuuki
M. Maeda-Yamamoto and H. Tachibana
Nanotechnology for bioactives delivery systems
Neves M.A. Das, I. Kobayashi, and M. Nakajima
Toona sinensis affects reproductive physiology of male
W.-J. Yu, B.-C. Yu, F.-Y. Yang, C.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Huang, and S.-J. Chang
Revealing the secret of soups' healing power: Nanostructures and their functions
L.-J. Ke, J.-W. Zhou, G.-Z. Gao, B. Shao, H.-Q. Wang, and P.-F. Rao
Autophagy as a target for anticancer therapy and its modulation by phytochemicals
M.-K. Kim, D.H. Suh, J. Seoung, H.S. Kim, H.H. Chung, and Y.-S. Song
Luteolin overcomes resistance to benzyl isothiocyanate-induced apoptosis in human colorectal cancer HCT-116 cells
R. Sakai, S. Yokobe, N. Abe, N. Miyoshi, Y. Murata, and Y. Nakamura
Targeting inflammatory pathways by dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer
B.B. Aggarwal, S. Prasad, V.R. Yadav, B. Park, J.H. Kim, S.C. Gupta, S.W. Yoon, A. Lavasanifar, and B. Sung
Developing public health messages for non-essential food components
C.-H. Lu and Jr. J.W. Erdman
Mechanisms underlying food functionality via molecular chaperones: Chemical training hypothesis
A. Murakami and K. Ohnishi
Anti-proliferation and radiation-sensitizing effect of an anthocyanidin- rich extract from purple-shoot tea on colon cancer cells
C.-C. Lin, C.-P. Hsu, C.-C. Chen, T.-Z. Liao, C.-F. Chiu, L.P.J. Lien, and Y.-T. Shih
Metabolism of sesamin by CYPs and UGTs in human liver
T. Sakaki, K. Yasuda, M. Kamakura, E. Munetsuna, M. Ohta, and S. Ikushiro
Functional foods,,naturalhealth products and nutrigenomics research in Canada
C.L. Parr-Vásquez and R.Y. Yada
Bioactive compounds from by-products of shrimp processing industry in Vietnam
T.S. Trung and P.T.D. Phuong
Biological activities of low-molecular weight compounds found in foods and plants
H. Shiratsuchi, S. Chang, A. Wei, A.H. El-Ghorab, and T. Shibamoto
Tomato, broccoli, soy and reduced prostate cancer risk: Whole foods or their bioactive components?
K. Zuniga and Jr. J.W. Erdman
Molecular targets of dietary phytochemicals for human chronic diseases: Cancer, obesity, and alzheimer's diseases
N.R. Song, K.W. Lee, and H.J. Lee
Total flavonoid fraction of rhizoma drynaria improves bone properties in ovariectomized mice and exerts estrogen-like activities in rat osteoblast-like (UMR-106) cells
W.-Y. Pang, X.-L. Wang, K.-C. Wong, P.-C. Leung, X.-S. Yao, and M.-S. Wong
Effect of reconstituted apple juice with alkaline electrolyzed water on cell proliferation and apoptosis of HT-29 cells
M. Kim, J. Fischer, and Y.-C. Hung
Interaction of tea catechins with phospholipids - Roles in their tastes and biological activities
T. Nakayama, T. Ishii, Y. Uekusa, K. Kato, and S. Kumazawa
Purification and concentration of antioxidative dipeptides obtained from chicken extract and their application as functional food
H. Nabetani, S. Hagiwara, N. Yanai, S. Shiotani, J. Baljinnyam, and M. Nakajima
Diet, nutrition and chronic disease in Mainland China
J. Chen and W. Zhao
Photosynthetic bioconversion of coenzyme Q10 using agrowaste generated from tobacco biorefinery for nonsmoking applications: A review
Y. Tian, P.A. Machado, H. Fu, T.-S. Hahm, C.-I. Wei, and Y.M. Lo
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis: Preface
G.-C. Yen and L.S. Hwang