Volume 20, Issue 4 (2012)
Twentieth year note
S.-I. Wu
Review Articles
Total dietary studies and food safety assessment in Taiwan-food preservatives as an illustration
D.P.H. Hsieh, H.-Y. Huang, M.-P. Ling, Y.-S. Chen, L.-L.I. Huang, C.-H. Wu, S.-P. Ni, H.-C. Hung, and C.-F. Chiang
Critical evaluation of methods for the measurement of oxidative rancidity in vegetable oils
M. Pignitter and V. Somoza
HPTLC method development and validation: Strategy to minimize methodological failures
P. Rashmin, P. Mrunali, D. Nitin, D. Nidhi, and P. Bharat
Phthalates exposure and endocrinal effects: An epidemiological review
P.-C. Huang, S.-H. Liou, I.-K. Ho, H.-C. Chiang, H.-I. Huang, and S.-L. Wang
Analysis of poisoning cases, monitoring and risk warning for marine toxins (TTX, PSP and CTXs) in Taiwan
W.-F. Lin and D.-F. Hwang
Original Articles
Chinese cooking with ionic seasonings may enhance migration of periluorooctanic acid from food contact articles
C.-F. Chiang, D.P.H. Hsieh, H.-C. Hsu, C.-C. Chang, M.-P. Ling, L.-L. Huang, P.-W. Chen, and K.-H. Chiang
Identification of recombinant insulin analogues by peptide mapping method
J.-C. Hsu, B.-Y. Lai, W.-L. Hsieh, D.-Y. Wang, D.Y.-C. Shih, and C.-F. Lo
Identification of species in commercial frozen shrimp meat in Taiwan
K.-M. Huang, S.-M. Liu, Y.-W. Huang, and T.-Z. Chen
Preparation of nano/submicron Ganoderma tsugae and its stability
Y.-S. Lin, W.-C. Cheng, S.H. Chen, and A.-I. Yeh
Relationship between potentially inappropriate anticholinergic drugs (PIADs) and adverse outcomes among elderly patients in Taiwan
K.-H. Huang, Y.-F. Chan, H.-C. Shih, and C.-Y. Lee
Statistical optimization of novel traditional Chinese medicine (Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan) pellets prepared by extrusion-spheronization method
T.-M. Cham, T.-H. Wu, T.-R. Tsai, Y.-T. Huang, and W.-H. Chuo
Dietary intake of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs from fresh foods around Taiwan
J.-W. Chang, P.-C. Liao, and C.-C. Lee
Erythrosine-mediated photodynamic inactivation of bacteria and yeast using green light-emitting diode light
E.-S. Ke, S. Nazzal, Y.-H. Tseng, C.-P. Chen, and T. Tsai
Antitumor cell proliferation and antigenotoxic effects of sufu and koji granule, the Chinese traditional fermented product of soybeans
J.-Y. Chen, Y.-J. Lai, S.-H. Chiang, and C.-C. Chou
Determination of 5-fluorouracil in 5-fluorouracil injection and human serum by HPLC
L. Zhu, G.-J. Shen, S.-Q. Ding, and X. Hua
Simultaneous determination of sesquiterpene lactones in Ixeris chinensis by HPLC
Q. Wang, W. Ao, X. Ying, G. Meng, X. Wu, and W. Tai
Value of FINS depends on choice of DNA locus as shown in Baihuasheshecao
J. Yu, M. Li, X. Guo, R. Wang, S.-W. Chiu, P.-C. Shaw, and P.P.-H. But
Quality analysis of raw and processed Schisandra chinensis fructus by simultaneous determination of eleven bioactive lignans using RP-HPLC method
T.-L. Lu, J.-Y. Hu, C.-Q. Mao, Y. Wu, F.-Z. Yin, and B.-C. Cai
Establishment of a serological panel for in vitro diagnostics of severe acute respiratory syndrome
D.-Y. Wang, K.-T. Wang, Y.-C. Wang, S.-C. Weng, W.-H. Chang, and D.Y.-C. Shih
Differential effects of processing methods on total phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of three species of Solanum
S. Nithiyanantham, S. Varadharajan, and P. Siddhuraju
Thin-layer chromatographic separation and validated HPTLC method for quantification of ursolic acid in various Ocimum species
K.K. Rout, R.K. Singh, D.P. Barik, and S.K. Mishra
Injected haloperidol-induced motor deficits are potentiated in rats drinking green tea as a sole source of water: Relationship with dopamine metabolism in the caudate
T. Malik and D.J. Haleem
Integration of independent component analysis with near infrared spectroscopy for rapid quantification of sugar content in wax jambu (Syzygium samarangense Merrill & Perry)
Y.-K. Chuang, S. Chen, Y.M. Lo, C.-Y. Tsai, I.-C. Yang, Y.-L. Chen, P.-J. Pan, and C.-C. Chen
Validated stability-indicating HPLC and HPTLC methods for the determination of ritonavir in bulk powder and in capsules
M.H. Abdelhay, A.A. Gazy, R.A. Shaalan, and H.K. Ashour
Identification of Scutellaria Baicalensis in traditional Chinese medicine preparations by LC/MS/MS fingerprinting method
J.-L. Luo, F.-L. Lu, Y.-C. Liu, and C.-F. Lo
Authentication of gardeniae fructus in Chinese medicine preparations by nested PCR and DNA sequencing methods
K.-T. Lu, Y.-C. Hsieh, H.-C. Lee, Y.-C. Liu, and C.-F. Lo
Twentieth year note
S.-I. Wu
Twentieth year note
S.-I. Wu