Volume 21, Issue 2 (2013)
Review Article
Status of management of controlled drugs in Taiwan: Inspection during 2002-2011
C.-J. Chang, M.-H. Wu, M.-T. Hsieh, Y.-L. Hsieh, and W.-I. Tsay
Original Articles
Development and validation of a UPLC-DAD-MS method for characterization and quantification of alkaloids in Menispermi Rhizoma and its preparations
Y. Liu, X. Song, R. Yan, T. Li, X. Chai, A. Qi, Y. Wang, and Z. Jiang
Effects of fermentation treatment on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of four common Chinese herbal medicinal residues by Aspergillus oryzae
Y.-L. Wen, L.-P. Yan, and C.-S. Chen
Development of a LC-MS/MS-based method for determining metolazone concentrations in human plasma: Application to a pharmacokinetic study
Y.-A. Chen and K.-Y. Hsu
Analysis of free and bound formaldehyde in squid and squid products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
T.-S. Yeh, T.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chen, and H.-M. Wen
Determination of serum atorvastatin concentrations in lipid-controlling patients with and without myalgia syndrome
Y.-C. Chou, Y.-K. Wang, M.-J. Charng, and Y.-F. Ueng
Development and application of tuf gene-based PCR and PCR-DGGE methods for the detection of 16 Bifidobacterium species
S.-J. Sheu, H.-C. Chen, C.-K. Lin, W.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Chiang, W.-Z. Hwang, and H.-Y. Tsen
Pharmacist-directed reconciliation for reducing medication discrepancies: A pilot study in a nursing home setting in Taiwan
C.-N. Kuo, Y.-M. Lin, M.-T. Wu, L.-N. Kuo, L.-W. Lee, and H.-Y. Chen
Chromatographic analysis of ivabradine on polar, nonpolar and chemically modified adsorbents by HPTLC
P. Pikul, J. Nowakowska, and K. Ciura
Studies on the extraction of pumpkin components and their biological effects on blood glucose of diabetic mice
H. Jin, Y.-J. Zhang, J.-X. Jiang, L.-Y. Zhu, P. Chen, J. Li, and H.-Y. Yao
Correlations of the components of tea tree oil with its antibacterial effects and skin irritation
C.-J. Lee, L.-W. Chen, L.-G. Chen, T.-L. Chang, C.-W. Huang, M.-C. Huang, and C.-C. Wang
Evaluation of DAS™ kits for the detection of food-borne pathogens in chicken- and meat-based street-vended foods
L.S. Manguiat and T.J. Fang
Systemic and brain bioavailabilities of D-Phenylglycine-L-Dopa, a sustained dopamine-releasing prodrug
C.-L. Wang, Y.-B. Fan, S.-E. Lee, J.-F. Lian, J.-P. Liou, and H.-P. Wang
Beyond-use date of extemporaneous morphine hydrochloride oral solution
C.-Y. Lin, L.-J. Shen, C.-F. Huang, H.-L. Yang, Y.-J. Chen, and F.-L.L. Wu