Volume 21, Issue 3 (2013)
Review Article
Significance of regulation limits in mycotoxin contamination in Asia and risk management programs at the national level
N. Anukul, K. Vangnai, and W. Mahakarnchandkul
Original Articles
Photoproducts of Indomethacin exhibit decreased hydroxyl radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities
G.-S. Lien, C.-S. Chen, W.-Y. Chen, S.-H. Huang, K.-T. Cheng, C.-M. Lin, and S.-H. Chao
Quantification of bioactive gentiopicroside in the medicinal plant Gentiana scabra Bunge using Near infrared spectroscopy
Y.-K. Chuang, S. Chen, Y.M. Lo, I.-C. Yang, Y.-F. Cheng, C.-Y. Wang, C.-Y. Tsai, R.-M. Hsieh, K.-H. Wang, C.-C. Lai, and W.-C. Chen
A review on the response and management of the plasticizer-tainted Food incident in Taiwan
Y.-H. Chen, S.-C. Fu, J.-K. Huang, H.-F. Cheng, and J.-J. Kang
Coconut kernel protein in diet protects the heart by beneficially modulating endothelial Nitric oxide synthase, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and nuclear factor-kappaB expressions in experimental myocardial infarction
S. Remya, A.M. Chikku, R.S. Renjith, S. Arunima, and T. Rajamohan
The antioxidant and cytoprotective activity of, Ocimum gratissimum extracts against hydrogen peroxide-induced toxicity in human HepG2 cells
Y.-W. Chiu, H.-J. Lo, H.-Y. Huang, P.-Y. Chao, J.-M. Hwang, P.-Y. Huang, S.-J. Huang, J.-Y. Liu, and T.-J. Lai
Survey of Aflatoxin contamination in peanut products in Taiwan from 1997 to 2011
Y.-C. Chen, C.-D. Liao, H.-Y. Lin, L.-C. Chiueh, and D.Y.-C. Shih
Authenticating the use of dried seahorses in the traditional Chinese medicine market in Taiwan using molecular forensics
C.-H. Chang, N.-H. Jang-Liaw, Y.-S. Lin, Y.-C. Fang, and K.-T. Shao
Investigation on the trend of food-borne disease outbreaks in Taiwan (1991-2010)
W.-C. Cheng, C.-W. Kuo, T.-Y. Chi, L.-C. Lin, C.-H. Lee, R.-L. Feng, and S.-J. Tsai
Studies on the quality and Flavor of Ponkan (Citrus poonensis hort.) wines fermented by different yeasts
J.-S. Lee, C.-Y. Chang, T.-H. Yu, S.-T. Lai, and L.-Y. Lin
Determination of doxorubicin in pharmaceutical preparation and rat plasma with luminol-K3Fe(CN)6 chemiluminescence system
H.-C. Yao, E.-J. Xu, W.-Y. Zeng, X.-Y. Zeng, M. Zhang, and J. Chen
The effect of a Computerized pediatric dosing decision support system on pediatric dosing errors
J.-Y. Hou, K.-J. Cheng, K.-J. Bai, H.-Y. Chen, W.-H. Wu, Y.-M. Lin, and M.-T.M. Wu
Integration of SIMCA and near-infrared spectroscopy for rapid and precise identification of herbal medicines
I.-C. Yang, C.-Y. Tsai, K.-W. Hsieh, C.-W. Yang, F. Ouyang, Y.M. Lo, and S. Chen
Corrigendum to Determination of serum atorvastatin concentrations in lipid-controlling patients with and without myalgia syndrome (Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2013) 21 (147-153))
Y.-C. Chou, Y.-K. Wang, M.-J. Charng, and Y.-F. Ueng