Volume 21, Issue 4 (2013)
Introduction to the Special Issue: Promoting global healtheTreatment and prevention of substance abuse and HIV in Asia
Y.-I. Hser, W.-I. Tsay, Y. Wang, and B. Tai
Original Articles
Application of high-performance liquid chromatography-UV detection to quantification of clenbuterol in bovine liver samples
F. Morales-Trejo, S.V.-Y. León, A. Escobar-Medina, and R. Gutierrez-Tolentino
Simultaneous quantification of antibiotic dyes in aquatic products and feeds by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
R.-C. Chen, K.-J. Wei, T.-M. Wang, Y.-M. Yu, J.-Y. Li, S.-H. Lee, W.-H. Wang, T.-J. Ren, and C.-W. Tsai
Direct quantitative analysis of benzodiazepines, metabolites, and analogs in diluted human urine by Rapid resolution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
R.-Y. Hsu, S.-A. Chan, S.-L. Lin, T.-Y. Lin, W.-L. Chu, and M.-R. Fuh
Determination of fluorides in pharmaceutical products for oral hygiene
J. Švarc-Gajić, Z. Stojanović, I. Vasiljević, and I. Kecojević
Determination of ketoprofen based on its quenching effect in the fluorescence of quantum dots
L. Molina-García, J.L.M. Santos, A. Ruiz-Medina, and E.J. Llorent-Martínez
Internal transcribed spacer sequence-based identification and phylogenic relationship of I-Tiao-Gung originating from Flemingia and Glycine (Leguminosae) in Taiwan
C.-T. Wu, C.-C. Hsieh, W.-C. Lin, C.-Y. Tang, C.-H. Yang, Y.-C. Huang, and Y.-J. Ko
Effect of container on the physicochemical stability of propofol injectable emulsion after being diluted with 0.9% NaCl for intravenous infusion
L.-J. Wei, H.-Y. Yu, W.-B. Chang, C.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Chen, and J.-B. Wu
The trend of drug abuse in Taiwan during the years 1999 to 2011
S.-F. Lee, J. Hsu, and W.-I. Tsay
Simultaneous determination of six flavonoids in rat plasma by high-performance capillary electrophoresis and its application To a pharmacokinetic study
Q. Wang, B. Bao, Y. Chen, and N. Dai
Effects of hot water treatment on the essential oils of calamondin
H.-C. Chen, L.-W. Peng, M.-J. Sheu, L.-Y. Lin, H.-M. Chiang, C.-T. Wu, C.-S. Wu, and Y.-C. Chen
Effect of growth stages, culture media, and processing methods on the component variations of Bletilla formosana and comparison of its component contents to commercial Rhizoma Bletillae crude drugs
T.-Y. Wu and H.-L. Lay
Immunomodulatory activities of Gelidium amansii gel extracts on murine RAW 264.7 macrophages
M.-L. Wang, Y.-Y. Hou, Y.-S. Chiu, and Y.-H. Chen
Codonopsis javanica root extracts attenuate hyperinsulinemia and lipid peroxidation in fructose-fed insulin resistant rats
K.-N. Chen, W.-H. Peng, C.-W. Hou, C.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Chen, C.-H. Kuo, and M. Korivi
Introduction to the Special Issue: Promoting global healtheTreatment and prevention of substance abuse and HIV in Asia
Y.-I. Hser, W.-I. Tsay, Y. Wang, and B. Tai
Conference Papers
Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction: Methadone and buprenorphine
A.J. Saxon, Y.-I. Hser, G. Woody, and W. Ling
HIV: Seek, test, treat, and retain
J. Normand, J. Montaner, C.-T. Fang, Z. Wu, and Y.-M. Chen
Pharmacogenomics study in a Taiwanese methadone maintenance cohort
S.-C. Wang, H.-H. Tsou, I.-K. Ho, K.-M. Lin, and Y.-L. Liu
HIV treatment as prevention: The key to an AIDS-free generation
M.W. Hull and J.S.G. Montaner
Extracts of the medicinal herb Sanguisorba officinalis inhibit the entry of human immunodeficiency virus-1
J. Liang, J. Chen, Z. Tan, J. Peng, X. Zheng, K. Nishiura, J. Ng, Z. Wang, D. Wang, Z. Chen, and L. Liu
Medication-assisted therapy for opioid addiction
B. Tai, A.J. Saxon, and W. Ling
Substance abuse and the HIV situation in Malaysia
D. Singh, M.C. Chawarski, R. Schottenfeld, and B. Vicknasingam
Harm reduction
J. Normand, J.-H. Li, N. Thomson, and D.D. Jarlais
Capacity building and collaborative research on cross-national studies in the Asian region
Y.-I. Hser, L. Chang, G.-J. Wang, M.D. Li, R. Rawson, S. Shoptaw, J. Normand, and B. Tai
Substance use disorders and HIV in Vietnam since Doi Moi (Renovation): An overview
L.M. Giang, L.B. Ngoc, V.H. Hoang, K. Mulvey, and R.A. Rawson
Collaborative work between the West and Asia
Y.-I. Hser, G. Bart, L. Li, and L.M. Giang
Genomics and personalized medicine: CHRNA5- CHRNA3-CHRNB4 and smoking cessation treatment
L.-S. Chen and L.J. Bierut
Brain abnormalities in HIV and stimulant users: Interventions and prevention
L. Chang, S. Shoptaw, and J. Normand
A comprehensive approach to addiction medicine as an appropriate response to the HIV epidemic among drug users
G. Gerra and L. Somaini
Ketamine use among regular tobacco and alcohol users as revealed by respondent-driven sampling in Taipei: Prevalence, expectancy, and users' risky decision making
W.J. Chen, T.-T. Ting, C.-M. Chang, Y.-C. Liu, and C.-Y. Chen
Current status of substance abuse and HIV in Taiwan
W.-J. Yu, W.-I. Tsay, and J.-H. Li
Treatment of methamphetamine abuse: An antibody-based immunotherapy approach
Y.-H. Chen, K.-L. Wu, H.-M. Tsai, and C.-H. Chen
Systematic review research on needle/syringe programs and opiate substitution programs in low- and middle-income countries
D.C.D. Jarlais
Current status of substance abuse and HIV infection in Japan
K. Wada, M. Funada, T. Matsumoto, and T. Shimane
Prevention, family, and community
S.-L. Yang, L.A. Rohrbach, and D. Daley
Genetics and pharmacogenetics of substance use disorders
P.-L. Tao, L.-S. Chen, C.-K. Chen, and Y.-L. Liu
Introduction to the Special Issue: Promoting global healtheTreatment and prevention of substance abuse and HIV in Asia
Y.-I. Hser, W.-I. Tsay, Y. Wang, and B. Tai