Volume 24, Issue 1 (2016)
Review Articles
Perspectives on genetically modified crops and food detection
C.-H. Lin and T.-M. Pan
Development of standardized methodology for identifying toxins in clinical samples and fish species associated with tetrodotoxin-borne poisoning incidents
T.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Hsieh, and D.-F. Hwang
Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum
M. El-Shazly, C.-J. Tai, T.-Y. Wu, D. Csupor, J. Hohmann, F.-R. Chang, and Y.-C. Wu
Nanomaterial-based sensors for detection of foodborne bacterial pathogens and toxins as well as pork adulteration in meat products
Inbaraj B. Stephen and B.H. Chen
Original Articles
Quantitative analysis of insulin in total parenteral nutrition bag in Taiwan
K.-H. Yu, H.-L. Tsao, S.-J. Lin, and C.-Y. Chen
Microspheres as carriers for lipase inhibitory substances to reduce dietary triglyceride absorption in mice
S.-H. Wu, N.-N. Sun, and C.-F. Chau
Exploring in vitro neurobiological effects and high-pressure liquid chromatography-assisted quantitation of chlorogenic acid in 18 Turkish coffee brands
S.A. Erdem, F.S. Senol, E. Budakoglu, I.E. Orhan, and B. Sener
Analysis of aroma compounds and nutrient contents of mabolo (Diospyros blancoi A. DC.), an ethnobotanical fruit of Austronesian Taiwan
S.-F. Hung, S.-F. Roan, T.-L. Chang, H.-B. King, and I.-Z. Chen
Mycotoxin monitoring for commercial foodstuffs in Taiwan
M.-T. Chen, Y.-H. Hsu, T.-S. Wang, and S.-W. Chien
Reduction of histamine and biogenic amines during salted fish fermentation by Bacillus polymyxa as a starter culture
Y.-C. Lee, H.-F. Kung, C.-Y. Huang, T.-C. Huang, and Y.-H. Tsai
Effects of calcium supplements on the quality and acrylamide content of puffed shrimp chips
T.-Y. Chen, H.-M. Luo, P.-H. Hsu, and W.-C. Sung
Antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of 11 herbal plants from Hyrcania region, Iran
H. Dehghan, Y. Sarrafi, and P. Salehi
Myrciaria cauliflora extracts attenuate diabetic nephropathy involving the Ras signaling pathway in streptozotocin/nicotinamide mice on a high fat diet
C.-C. Wu, C.-N. Hung, Y.-C. Shin, C.-J. Wang, and H.-P. Huang
Chemical quality evaluation of Antrodia cinnamomea fruiting bodies using phytomics similarity index analysis
C.-H. Chung, S.-C. Yeh, H.-C. Tseng, M.-L. Siu, and K.-T. Lee
Isolation of eugenyl β-primeveroside from Camellia sasanqua and its anticancer activity in PC3 prostate cancer cells
C.-C. Wang, C.-T. Ho, S.-C. Lee, and T.-D. Way
Determination of histamine in milkfish stick implicated in food-borne poisoning
Y.-C. Lee, H.-F. Kung, C.-H. Wu, H.-M. Hsu, H.-C. Chen, T.-C. Huang, and Y.-H. Tsai
Pacific oyster-derived polysaccharides attenuate allergen-induced intestinal inflammation in a murine model of food allergy
C.-H. Cheng, H.-Y. Wu, C.-F. Wu, and T.-R. Jan
Fabrication of a novel electrochemical sensor for determination of hydrogen peroxide in different fruit juice samples
N. Nasirizadeh, Z. Shekari, A. Nazari, and M. Tabatabaee
Rapid confirmatory analysis of avermectin residues in milk by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
N. Ozdemir and T. Kahraman
Determination of Pb (Lead), Cd (Cadmium), Cr (Chromium), Cu (Copper), and Ni (Nickel) in Chinese tea with high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
W.-S. Zhong, T. Ren, and L.-J. Zhao
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprints and primary structure identification of corn peptides by HPLC-diode array detection and HPLC-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
C. Wang, H. He, J.-L. Zhang, X. Li, and Z.-L. Ma
Chemopreventive effect of myrtenal on bacterial enzyme activity and the development of 1,2-dimethyl hydrazine-induced aberrant crypt foci in Wistar Rats
L.K. Booupathy, S. Venkatachalam, N. Natarajan, R. Thamaraiselvan, M. Arumugam, and Periyasamy B. Maruthaiveeran
Determination of the levels of two types of neurotransmitter and the anti-migraine effects of different dose-ratios of Ligusticum chuanxiong and Gastrodia elata
Q. Wang, L. Shen, S.-Y. Ma, M.-W. Chen, X. Lin, Y.-L. Hong, and Y. Feng
The analytical determination and electrochemiluminescence behavior of amoxicillin
L.-H. Shen, H.-N. Wang, P.-J. Chen, C.-X. Yu, Y.-D. Liang, and C.-X. Zhang