

The quality and acrylamide content of deep-fried and microwave-puffed shrimp chips fortified with 0.1%, 0.5%, or 1.0% calcium salts (calcium lactate, calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, or calcium acetate) were investigated. Microwave-puffed shrimp chips contained higher amounts of acrylamide (130.43 ppb) than did deep-fried shrimp chips. The greatest mitigation of acrylamide formation in overfried chips was obtained with 0.1% calcium lactate. All browning indexes of fortified shrimp chips, whether deep-fried or microwave-puffed, were reduced. L∗values of microwave-puffed shrimp chips were higher than those of deep-fried shrimp chips, whereas a∗and b∗values and browning indexes were lower. Color differences (ΔE) between deep-fried puffed shrimp chips fortified with calcium salts and a control sample were higher than 5, and the sensory scores of shrimp chips were significantly decreased by the addition of calcium lactate. © 2015, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC.

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