Volume 24, Issue 4 (2016)
Review Articles
Certification of caffeine reference material purity by ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometry and high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection as two independent analytical methods
A.B. Shehata, M.S. Rizk, and E.A. Rend
Nanotechnology in food science: Functionality, applicability, and safety assessment
X. He and H.-M. Hwang
Inhibitory mechanism against oxidative stress of caffeic acid
F.A. Khan, A. Maalik, and G. Murtaza
Original Articles
Effects of carbonyl iron powder on iron deficiency anemia and its subchronic toxicity
Q. Zhu, Y. Qian, Y. Yang, W. Wu, J. Xie, and D. Wei
Antifungal activity of Momordica charantia seed extracts toward the pathogenic fungus Fusarium solani L.
S. Wang, Y. Zheng, F. Xiang, S. Li, and G. Yang
A comparative study of three tissue-cultured Dendrobium species and their wild correspondences by headspace gas chromatography–mass spectrometry combined with chemometric methods
N.-D. Chen, T. You, J. Li, L.-T. Bai, J.-W. Hao, and X.-Y. Xu
7-N-Acetylcysteine-pyrrole conjugate—A potent DNA reactive metabolite of pyrrolizidine alkaloids
X. He, L. Ma, Q. Xia, and P.P. Fu
Myrciaria cauliflora extract improves diabetic nephropathy via suppression of oxidative stress and inflammation in streptozotocin-nicotinamide mice
J.-D. Hsu, C.-C. Wu, C.-N. Hung, C.-J. Wang, and H.-P. Huang
Assessment of the pharmacokinetics, removal rate of hemodialysis, and safety of lactulose in hemodialysis patients
C.-J. Lin, C.-F. Pan, S.-Y. Ju, H.-K. Tzeng, S.-W. Chen, J.-T. Syu, and C.-J. Wu
Effect of goat milk on hepatotoxicity induced by antitubercular drugs in rats
S. Miglani, R.R. Patyar, S. Patyar, and M.R. Reshi
Suppression of ERK1/2 and hypoxia pathways by four Phyllanthus species inhibits metastasis of human breast cancer cells
S.H. Lee, I.B. Jaganath, N. Atiya, R. Manikam, and S.D. Sekaran
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using onion extract and their application for the preparation of a modified electrode for determination of ascorbic acid
M.A. Khalilzadeh and M. Borzoo
In vitro prebiotic effects and quantitative analysis of Bulnesia sarmienti extract
M.A. Reza, M.A. Hossain, S.-J. Lee, J.-C. Kim, and S.-C. Park
Investigation of aluminum content of imported candies and snack foods in Taiwan
T.S. Yeh, Y.-T. Liu, P.-J. Liou, H.-P. Li, and C.-C. Chen
Composition of Asarum heterotropoides var. mandshuricum radix oil from different extraction methods and activities against human body odor-producing bacteria
A.S.M.T. Haque, J.N. Moon, P.S. Saravana, A. Tilahun, and B.-S. Chun
Sedative and hypnotic effects of supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction from Schisandra chinensis in mice
H. Zhu, L. Zhang, G. Wang, Z. He, Y. Zhao, Y. Xu, Y. Gao, and L. Zhang
Antibacterial and laxative activities of strictinin isolated from Pu'er tea (Camellia sinensis)
S.-K. Hsieh, J.-R. Xu, N.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Li, G.-H. Chen, P.-C. Kuo, W.-Y. Chen, and J.T.C. Tzen
Bovine serum albumin adsorbed on eremomycin and grafted on silica as new mixed-binary chiral sorbent for improved enantioseparation of drugs
I.A. Fedorova, E.N. Shapovalova, O.A. Shpigun, and S.M. Staroverov
Proteomic changes associated with metabolic syndrome in a fructose-fed rat model
C.-C. Hsieh, C.-C. Liao, Y.-C. Liao, L.S. Hwang, L.-Y. Wu, and S.-C. Hsieh
Characterization of yogurts made with milk solids nonfat by rheological behavior and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
H.-Y. Yu, L. Wang, and K.L. McCarthy
Hydrolysis of isoflavone in black soy milk using cellulose bead as enzyme immobilizer
K.-I. Chen, Y. Yao, H.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Lo, R.-C. Yu, and K.-C. Cheng
Hygienic quality, adulteration of pork and histamine production by Raoultella ornithinolytica in milkfish dumpling
Y.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Chen, Y.-L. Huang, H.-F. Kung, T.-Y. Chen, and Y.-H. Tsai
Production of a monoclonal antibody against aflatoxin M1 and its application for detection of aflatoxin M1 in fortified milk
U. Chadseesuwan, A. Sangdokmai, U. Pimpitak, S. Puthong, T. Palaga, and K. Komolpis
Antifatigue and increasing exercise performance of Actinidia arguta crude alkaloids in mice
Y. Liu and C. Liu
Nonenzymatic glucose sensor based on disposable pencil graphite electrode modified by copper nanoparticles
S. Pourbeyram and K. Mehdizadeh