Volume 26, Issue 4 (2018)
Review Articles
Prospects of using nanotechnology for food preservation, safety, and security
V.K. Bajpai, M. Kamle, S. Shukla, D.K. Mahato, P. Chandra, S.K. Hwang, P. Kumar, Y.S. Huh, and Y.-K. Han
Nanoparticle-based laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric analysis of drugs and metabolites
H.-W. Chu, B. Unnikrishnan, A. Anand, J.-Y. Mao, and C.-C. Huang
Original Articles
Kinetics of lactose fermentation in milk with kombucha starter
K.G. Kanurić, S.D. Milanović, B.B. Ikonić, E.S. Lončar, M.D. Iličić, V.R. Vukić, and D.V. Vukić
Profiles of commensal and opportunistic bacteria in human milk from healthy donors in Taiwan
P.-W. Chen, Y.-L. Lin, and M.-S. Huang
Effect of Phyllanthus emblica L. fruit on methionine and choline-deficiency diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Y.-T. Tung, C.-Z. Huang, J.-H. Lin, and G.-C. Yen
Curculigoside and polyphenol-rich ethyl acetate fraction of Molineria latifolia rhizome improved glucose uptake via potential mTOR/AKT activated GLUT4 translocation
D.J. Ooi, N.H. Azmi, M.U. Imam, N.B. Alitheen, and M. Ismail
Benefits of combination low-dose pioglitazone plus fish oil on aged type 2 diabetes mice
Y. Iizuka, H. Kim, S. Hirako, K. Chiba, M. Wada, and A. Matsumoto
Comparison of anti-inflammatory effect and protein profile between the water extracts from Formosan sambar deer and red deer
C.-Y. Kuo, Y.-T. Cheng, S.-T. Ho, C.-C. Yu, and M.-J. Chen
Development and validation of a Fast gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method for the determination of cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L
V. Cardenia, Toschi T. Gallina, S. Scappini, R.C. Rubino, and M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada
Antioxidant activity, neuroprotective properties and bioactive constituents analysis of varying polarity extracts from Eucalyptus globulus leaves
E. González-Burgos, M. Liaudanskas, J. Viškelis, V. Žvikas, V. Janulis, and M.P. Gómez-Serranillos
A novel micro-extraction strategy for extraction of bisphosphonates from biological fluids using zirconia nanoparticles coupled with spectrofluorimetry and high performance liquid chromatography
N. Rahbar, L. Nazernezhad, M. Asadinezhad, Z. Ramezani, and M. Kouchak
Application of food description to the food classification system: Evidence of risk assessment from Taiwan as Acrylamide of grain products
S.-Y. Chiu, H.-T. Lin, W.-C. Ho, M.-H. Lin, P.-C. Chen, and H.-Y. Huang