Journal of Food and Drug Analysis | Vol 28 | Iss 2

Volume 28, Issue 2 (2020)

Review Article


The potential role of phenolic compounds on modulating gut microbiota in obesity
Gow-Chin Yen, Hsin-Lin Cheng, Li-Yu Lin, Shiuan-Chih Chen, and Chin Lin Hsu

Original Articles


Food preservative sorbic acid deregulates hepatic fatty acid metabolism
Chia-Hui Chen, Sin-Ni Ho, Po-An Hu, Yu Ru Kou, and Tzong-Shyuan Lee


Screening for malachite green contamination on live fish skin with chewing gum based viscoelastic SERS sensor
Wan-Li Fan, Shi-Wei Yang, Dong-Mei Wang, Zheng-Jun Gong, and Mei-Kun Fan


Anti-inflammatory effects of peptides from a marine algicolous fungus Acremonium sp. NTU492 in BV-2 microglial cells
George Hsiao, Shih-Wei Wang, Yin-Ru Chiang, Wei-Chiung Chi, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, Do Anh Phong, Chia-Yu Chen, and Tzong-Huei Lee


A multi-analyte LC-MS/MS method for screening and quantification of nitrosamines in sartans
Shu-Han Chang, Ching-Chia Chang, Li-Jing Wang, Wei-Ching Chen, Shu-Yu Fan, Chi-Zong Zang, Ya-Hui Hsu, Mei-Chih Lin, Su-Hsiang Tseng, and Der-Yuan Wang


Rapid identification of nicotine in electronic cigarette liquids based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Jun-Yi Chien, Yong-Chun Gu, Hsin-Mei Tsai, Chun-Hao Liu, Chia-Yuan Yen, Yuh-Lin Wang, Juen-Kai Wang, and Chi-Hung Lin


Preparation, evaluation and metabolites study in rats of novel Isoginkgetin-loaded TPGS/soluplus mixed nanomicelles
Xue Feng, Yu-Ting Chen, Lu-Ya Li, Yu-Peng Sun, Hai-Rong Wang, and Lan-Tong Zhang