Volume 3, Issue 3 (1995)
Original Articles
DNA topoisomerases as targets of anticancer drugs
H.-F. Shang, T.-L. Chen, C.-P. Lin, and J. Hwang
Absorption study with a dissolution independent drug - acetaminophen
O.Y.-P. Hu, S.-T. Ho, S.-F. Chan, J.-S. Lai, and P.-H. Chung
Investigation on four heavy metal constituents of commercial restorative Chinese medicines
J.-H. Teng, T.-L. Wang, W.-C. Lin, M.-T. Chen, and Z.-S. Chen
Study on the adulterated chemical drugs in rheumatic and analgesic traditional Chinese medicine by MEKC
Y.-R. Ku, M.-J. Tsai, and K.-C. Wen
Acid-catalyzed reaction of ethanol and oxazepam and its pharmacological consequence
T.J. Yang and S.K. Yang