Volume 4, Issue 4 (1996)
Review Articles
A comparative microbial survey on tilapia and milkfish from culture ponds supermarkets and traditional retail markets in the Tainan area
L.-W. Chow, S.-J. Wang, S.-F. Chou, J.-S. Shieh, and J.-H. Chen
Stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic assay methods for drugs in pharmaceutical dosage forms: Part I
C. Ho and G.-L. Chen
Original Articles
Partial purification and characterization of protein phosphatases from bovine adrenal medulla
L.-F. Lin, J.-Y. Chiou, and E.W. Westhead
Studies on analytical methods for determination of potassium bromate in foods
M.-L. Jao, F.-L. Chan, S.-C. Lee, and S.-S. Chou
Determination of benzyl isothiocyanate in papaya fruit by solid phase extraction and gas chromatography
F. Sheu and Y.-T. Shyu
Studies on natural ultraviolet absorbers
M.-C. Liu, C.-T. Lin, M.-D. Shau, Z.-S. Chen, and M.-T. Chen
Determination of illegal coal tar dye in "Hwamei"
S.-C. Su, B.-T. Chen, S.-C. Li, and S.-S. Chou
Food poisoning due to ingestion of goby Yongeichthys nebulosus forsskal
S.-J. Lin, C.-A. Cheng, Y.-H. Tsai, C.-H. Sa, J.-F. Deng, and D.-F. Hwang
Investigation on risk of phthalate ester in drinking water and marketed foods
M.-C. Yin and K.-H. Su