Volume 5, Issue 3 (1997)
Original Articles
The mean kinetic temperature and relative humidity for drugs and products stability testing in Taiwan
H.-C. Hsu, H.L. Ju, and C.-Y. Chen
Removal of methamidophos and carbofuran residue in broccoli during freezing processing
C.-F. Tsai, S.-S. Chou, and Y.-T. Shyu
Characteristics of reaction between carbon monoxide gas and myoglobin in tuna flesh
C.-J. Chow, S.-M. Liu, and M.-L. Tsai
Isolation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from Sashimi in the Taipei area
D.Y.-C. Shih, C.-L. Lai, S.-S. Hung, and J.-Y. Wang
Synthesis and stability studies on a tripartite prodrug of cefuroxime
J.-S. Lee, S.-W. Koo, I.-H. Lui, and H.-P. Wang
Pharmacokinetic behavior of ketoconazole in adult Chinese males
H.-C. Hsu and S.-J. Chen