Volume 5, Issue 4 (1997)
Review Articles
An overview of the toxicology of commonly used traditional Chinese medicine
T.-H. Ueng, J.-J. Kang, H.-W. Wang, and P.-C. Lin
Current studies of traditional Chinese medicine: A review
Y.-T. Huang and C.-Y. Hong
Original Articles
Simultaneous analysis of six components in "Chai-Hu-Kuei-Chih-Tang" by high performance liquid chromatography
H.-L. Lay, H.-J. Chan, and C.-F. Lin
Analysis of synthetic drugs in adulterated Chinese medicine by high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometry
Y. Song, G.-R. Her, and K.-C. Wen
Characterization of traditional Chinese medicine by liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry
X. Wang, Y. Xue, T. Zhou, and T. Sakuma
Authentication of Chinese medicinal materials by DNA technology
P.-C. Shaw, F.-N. Ngan, P.P.-H. But, and J. Wang
Subacute toxicity of 15 commonly used Chinese drugs (II)
H.-Y. Yang and C.-F. Chen
Molecular differentiation of Atractylodes drugs by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism and PCR-selective restriction analysis on the 18S-5.8S rDNA intratranscribed spacer 1 gene
H.-F. Cheng, B. Lai, S.-C. Chan, C.-P. Chou, T.-H. Yang, W.-H. Huang, C.-H. Liao, and C.-P. Lin
Determination of undeclared prescription drugs in black pearl products
D.B. Fraser, J. Tomlinson, J. Turner, and R.D. Satzger
Tannins and related compounds from Erodium moschatum (L.) L'Her
J.-H. Lin and M.-F. Lin