Volume 6, Issue 4 (1998)
Review Articles
Analysis, Formation and Inhibition of Heterocyclic Amines in Foods: An Overview
B.H. Chen and C.P. Chiu
Progress and application of chemical evaluation of crude drugs
M. Nishizawa, M. Anetai, and T. Yamagishi
Original Articles
Infrared Absorption Study of Schiff Bases of Aminohydroxyguanidine
H.-H. Bui, E.J. Lien, and S. Ren
A comparative bioavailability study on two brands of cisapride tablets using univariate and multivariate statistical methods
J.-Y. Hsu, M.-Y. Hsu, H.-C. Hsu, C.S. Lu, C.-F. Wang, P.-C. Chen, and C.-L. Lu
Determination of benzoximate and allethrin residues in crops
S.-C. Huang, Pi.-C. Chang, and C.-H. Liu
Survey of nicotine and tar yields of domestic and imported cigarettes
W.-C. Lee, T.-L. Li, W.-J. Cheng, P.-C. Chang, and S.-S. Chou
High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Anthocyanin Pigments in Some Varieties of Black Rice
S.N. Ryu, S.Z. Park, and C.-T. Ho
Rapid Analysis of Theaflavins by High Performance Liquid Chromatography / Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization-Mass Spectrometry
C.-W. Chen, Y.-W. Chang, and L.S. Hwang