Volume 7, Issue 4 (1999)
Original Articles
Microbial Changes in Ready-to-use Packaged Food from Supermarkets and Self-prepared during Storage at 6-9°C
S.-J. Wang and J.-H. Chen
Interference of Selected Clinical Medicines on DRI® and TDx® Immunoassays of Morphine and Methamphetamine in Urine
S.-G. Chang, C.-S. Chien, H.-M. Lee, and C.-Y. Chen
Determination of butocarboxim residue in agricultural products by HPLC with post-column derivatization system
S.-H. Tseng, P.-C. Chang, and S.-S. Chou
Studies on the Identification of Chinese Drug Material in Yams (Dioscorea spp.)
H.-L. Lay, S.-M. Denq, S.-Y. Liu, and B.-W. Sheu
A Rapid Gas Chromatographic Method for Direct Determination of Free Sterols in Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils
Y.-M. Choong, H.-J. Lin, C.-W. Chen, and M.-L. Wang
Analysis, Formation and Inhibition of Cholesterol Oxidation Products in Foods: An Overview (Part I)
C.-Y. Tai, Y.C. Chen, and B.H. Chen
A Simple Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Various Preservatives in Liquid Foods
H.-J. Lin and Y.-M. Choong