Volume 8, Issue 2 (2000)
Original Articles
HPLC Analysis of N-acetyl-chito-oligosaccharides during the Acid Hydrolysis of Chitin
K.L.B. Chang, J. Lee, and W.-R. Fu
A rapid and simple gas chromatographic method for direct determination of nicotinamide in commercial vitamins and tonic drinks
H.-J. Lin, C.-W. Chen, B.-S. Hwang, and Y.-M. Choong
Characteristics and Mutagenicity of Fumes Obtained from Commercial Edible Oils
S.-C. Wu and G.-C. Yen
Reduction of Cholesterol by Lactobacillus acidophilus in Culture Broth
M.-Yn. Lin and T.-W. Chen
Detection of Mycotoxin Patulin in Apple Juice
C.-L. Lai, Y.-M. Fuh, and D.Y.-C. Shih
Analysis of bentazon and its metabolites in urine and blood
M.-F. Chen, H.-P. Li, and S.-S. Wong
Determination of organochlorine and nitrogen-containing pesticide residues fish with different fat content
F. Sun, F.-Y. Lin, S.-S. Wong, and G.-C. Li