Volume 9, Issue 4 (2001)
Original Articles
Identification of hydrogen peroxide as a causative agent in noodles implicated in food poisoning
S.-C. Su, S.-S. Chou, P.-C. Chang, and D.-F. Hwang
Evaluation and validation of potency testing method for live rubella virus vaccine
D.-Y. Wang, S.-Y. Yeh, C.-P. Chou, H.-F. Cheng, J.-T. Hsieh, and C.-P. Lin
Evaluation of commercially available kits for detection of Escherichia coli O157
L.-C. Chiueh, F.-R. Chen, and D.Y.-C. Shih
Simultaneous quantitation of cationic disinfectants by high-performance liquid chromatography on a silica gel column using aqueous eluents
F.-A. Chen, K.-S. Wu, M.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Chen, and A.-B. Wu
Effect of processing on sequence of cytochrome B gene and its restriction site in the meat of puffer Takifugu rubripes
C.-A. Cheng, Y.-W. Hsieh, T. Noguchi, O. Arakawa, and D.-F. Hwang
Molecular epidemiology of newly emerged V. cholerae O139 in Taiwan
C.-S. Lin, T.-K. Wang, C.-L. Lee, T.-M. Pan, J.-L. Tsai, S.-I. Ho, and C.-H. Lu
Voltammetric determination of sunscreen by convenient epoxy-carbon composite electrodes
M.-L. Chang and C.-M. Chang
Simultaneous gas chromatography analysis of preservatives in Chinese traditional meat products collected from Ilan County
L.-Y. Lo, C.-C. Wu, S.-J. Jang, S.-T. Chiou, and D.-F. Hwang